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Maverick Apartment Homes

Art direction - Cynthia Ramirez

Group: Red Kor Design



Designated designer in re-branding the logo, brochures, and window display panels for a recently renovated and updated apartment building located in downtown San Antonio, Texas.



To design a fresh and inviting logo that would bring potential renters to the San Antonio downtown area. The idea of the addition of the window display panels as a visual was used to display the cityscape to attract potential renters.



User personas.
Contextual Research.




The design and color choice of the logo captured a warm, cozy ambiance that would have anyone curious about the wonderful setting of the Maverick Apartment homes. The finished window display panels gave an inside look at the types of renters that were attracted to the apartment homes. In the end of our business, we had satisfied clients.

© 2024 Cynthia Ramirez Design | Luneria Graphics

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